Delilah Morrow
First Class SOLDIER



Character Info

Name: Delilah Marguerite Morrow
Current Age: 28
Birthday: 6th July
Occupation: First-Class SOLDIER, Humanitarian, Socialite
Hometown: Gongaga
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bi-Curious
Relationship Status: In a relationship with Rufus ShinRa (@ShinRasRufus)
Writer Info

Writer Tag: #Scheherazade
Name: Laila
Age: 22
Birthday: 6th July
Pronouns: She/Her
Time Zone: GMT+2 (+1 when DST)
Writing Experience: Minor in Creative Writing with courses in fiction writing and creative nonfiction. I've also published a short story and am in the works to publish a second.
RP Experience: I started around 2011 with a bunch of OCs, then characters from various verses in anime, Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts. I took an RP hiatus in 2015, mostly to focus on my studies,
Scene 1: The Cetra
Delilah's story begins with that of her mother, Delia who was born to a Cetra father and a human mother. Delia's powers were made known to her from her early childhood. She could rejuvenate the land, bring flowers to life, and shift the intentions of anyone who loved her. In the wrong hands, her powers could have been a force for destruction. But she understood, from very early on, that her powers came with a responsibility. The planet would reward her for her restraint, and she would one day rejoin her people in the Promised Land. Until then, she would settle with her parents in Nibelheim, healing those who were ill as her mother had taught her, and expressing her gratitude to the planet each day of her life.
Such was the way of a Cetra. One day, her mother had taken her aside and whispered a hushed warning.
“You must be careful who you tell, Delia. You can’t trust everybody with this information, my dear.”
And so Delia kept her secret, living in Nibelheim as nothing more than a talented doctor who cared for the environment. It was difficult, with the ShinRa Electric Power Company bringing its leader so close to home. Nevertheless, Delia succeeded in protecting herself and her family from the clutches of those who would see the planet rot rather than to let her heal it.
Scene 2: Jack ShinRa
One day, as she traversed the town, Delia came across Jack ShinRa. A young, burly, but handsome man, he would set his eyes on her and attempt to take her for his harem. Delia had seen his wife; a beautiful woman from Corel who had fallen in love with his gallantry and courage. But no amount of admiration from his wife could keep him from pursuing other women. With an echoing slap to his face, Delia scolded him for his forwardness.
“You would do well to learn the difference between me and your little toys, ShinRa.”
She was as fierce as she was powerful, and she knew his intentions well. Jack ShinRa could never love her—of that she was certain. But he would never love anyone at all. She had attempted to look into his future, to attempt to understand it and to protect whomever she could protect, be it a future wife or a poor child, but her vision was blurred. Something, or someone, didn’t want her to see what lay in the future just yet, and she had already begun to understand why the goddess would withhold her secrets;
After denying Jack ShinRa what he wanted, Delia walked around Nibelheim with a target on her back. Everywhere she went, people would whisper. No man would dare ask for her hand in marriage when they knew that Jack ShinRa would murder anyone who touched her.
Jack ShinRa was a malicious man, but he had limits until he became consumed by his dream of finding the Promised Land; each time he spoke of it, Delia would retch and at times would eject herself from the scene. He had deteriorated into a demon, but his first true act of cruelty had been towards her. With a simple order at his young, brash age, Jack ShinRa sent his men to where her parents worked, and sentenced them both to death. He had thought that, upon sealing her options, she would come running into his arms. Nevertheless, her powers remained a secret to him, leaving her forced to endure the malice in his intentions for as long as she remained in his town. With each day, it grew, and Delia began to realise that the fates had concealed the future from her, because it would be a grave future indeed.
Scene 3: Gongaga
With nothing left to live for in Nibelheim, Delia took her leave. She wandered through the planet’s terrain, feeling the grass beneath her feet and gauging it for the blessed energy she had so ardently prayed for all her life. Each step she took through the grass, she felt ShinRa’s reach grow stronger. He would poison this land, and each patch of soil she stepped on. Of that, she was certain.
Finally, with little less in terms of alternative, Delia found her feet carrying her into the quiet town of Gongaga, where flowers blossomed atop the hills, and laughter echoed from every house. This blissful world was worthy of the planet’s blessing, and so, Delia would settle onto its soil and bring more life to its lively terrain. All the while, she had vowed to protect this sacred land from the clutches of ShinRa.
Scene 4: Nicholas
One day, while tending to her flowers, Delia came across one of the men working at the woodshop wandering through the meadow. He was a tall, but slim man, with dark hair that framed his face. Something about him intrigued her, and left her wanting to know more about him. And so, she approached him quietly, extending her basket of flowers for him.
Nicholas was a gentle man, chiseling each table, chair, and mantelpiece with enough love and care to imbue each item with a spirit of its own. The town children would often run from his shop with new wooden toys in hand, be it a small horse, a doll, or a miniature house, their laughter filling the town square with the blessings only a child’s joy can provide. He was famous in the village for his kind heart and generous hand, refusing to take payment from those he knew were struggling, even if it meant going to sleep without dinner in his belly.
As his eyes fell on Delia, Nicholas stood stunned for a moment, but nevertheless smiling. She was a sight to behold. Her blonde hair, braided with flowers much like the ones in her basket, glittered in the morning sun. Her features were soft, but strong, like the gentle ripples of the self-same sea that could drown an entire army of men. Lowering his gaze, he bowed his head slowly, before looking up at her again.
Peering into his brown irises, Delia saw in him the warmth she had been searching for, and it was in the smooth petals of the first daffodil she had offered him that their love was born. Day after day, they would meet at the meadow, speak for a moment, and then part ways. Each day, Nicholas would return to his home with a new flower in hand, and he would walk into the woodshop with a newfound happiness. As his friends bore witness to their blossoming love, they did the same for their marriage. The night before their wedding, Delia had whispered to him her confession: that she was not like the townspeople he had grown up with. She was a Cetra. Nicholas had simply taken her into his arms, and vowed once again to love her, no matter what or who she may reveal herself to be. The truth she had shared had only served to prove to him even more that the woman whose affections he had earned, was truly special.
Scene 5: Family
When Delia had her first child, she named her Melissa, praying to the goddess that her tongue would drip with the honey that would make her the finest orator the world had seen, and that her sting would be unforgettable to those who wronged her. And indeed she lived up to her name. Melissa grew up loud and boisterous, but when she spoke, the village crowded around to listen to her tales and stories. Melissa was a fierce girl; the boys who dared pull at her braids suffered a painful fate, and their mothers knew better than to cross Delia with their complaints.
Years after Melissa’s birth, the goddess blessed Delia and Nicholas with a second child. This one, Nicholas insisted on naming. Delilah, so his girl would grow up as delicate as the finest lace. Delia objected, calling it a curse upon their daughter, but Nicholas insisted. Her delicate nature would make her kind, and her conniving namesake would protect her from those who sought to tear her apart. Despite Delia’s objections, she heard the whisper of the goddess. Indeed, her daughter would become delicate, but the girl’s name didn’t matter. The goddess had chosen her, rather than Melissa, to be her new Cetra.
And so Delilah grew into her family, happy, cheerful, and gentle. The animals on the hills flocked to her as she fed and cradled them. The most fearsome of beasts would protect her as she sat in her mother’s meadow, stroking the petals of the flowers gently. Each prayer her tongue would whisper, the goddess heard and answered. Her magic strawberries would resist each storm and hurricane; her playtimes would be marked by radiant sunshine and a gentle breeze; her mistakes were forgiven by her parents long before she could reach her home. When she silently prayed for the ailing patients at the hospital, they were healed in ways no doctor could describe. Throughout it all, Delilah remained oblivious to what she was. Delia and Nicholas had chosen to protect her from what she was, lest her naïve tongue speak the truth to those who could hurt her.
Growing up, Delilah and Melissa were as fiery as their mother, but only Delilah had inherited her father’s kind and forgiving heart. Melissa was a crashing forest fire alongside Delilah’s soft ember; the elder sister had taken to protecting the younger, and the younger would comfort her when the world was deceived into thinking she was indeed without feeling. Two sisters, and their parents, prepared to fight the greatest of threats, and loving each other ardently each night. Such was the family blessed by the goddess.
Scene 6: Revenge
Four years into Delilah’s life, Delia had foolishly convinced herself that Jack ShinRa had forgotten about her and moved on to his next target. After all, she had only been one of many targets, and taking her parents seemed to be enough of a punishment. She had been just as naïve as her younger daughter, and was thus shocked to find her husband returning from work looking far more exhausted than she had ever seen him. He told her of how his new clients had conspired against him, seeking to make his life miserable. Delia knew he had been providing wooden furniture for one of the ShinRa subsidiaries—after all, the monstrous company had monopolised nearly every industry across Gaia, but her doubts were confirmed the day her husband never returned.
Fearing the worst, Delia paced the kitchen in silence. Melissa continued to clench and unclench her young fists, ready to scream at whomever had stalled her father. Delilah stood at the window to the bedroom she shared with her sister and prayed to the goddess above, to please, pretty please bring her Papa back to her. That evening, Nicholas had been abducted by ShinRa forces, and while they had intended to kill him, Delilah’s prayer had overshadowed their intentions. Instead, he returned with a lost leg and three lost fingers. He could no longer make anything but small boxes and toys for his daughters.
Instructing his daughters to come to the kitchen, he and his wife explained to them that, since he would no longer be able to work, it was up to them to do a little bit of work to keep the household going. Melissa had already been working part-time with the blacksmith, and had asked for more hours. Delia made more dresses for the village, and was forced to stop giving her work out as gifts to those she loved. Delilah was the only one too young to work, and so she would fill her small basket with flowers from her meadow, and walk around the town selling them. Each evening, when the family would empty their earnings onto the kitchen table, Delilah’s pile would be the smallest, and she would accompany the act with an apologetic glance to her father.
Nicholas took his daughter onto his single thigh one morning, after her mother and sister had left for work, and asked her why she had chosen to sell flowers of all things. Her response was simple: they made people happy. His prayer for his daughter to become as kind as he had dreamed had been answered, but he knew her kindness towards her family would always outweigh her kindness to anyone else. And so, he instructed her to start giving out the flowers without asking for money in exchange.
“What about our food, Papa?” She asked quietly, wondering if her pennies had really been as helpless as she had feared.
“My dear Delilah… Ever since I’ve stopped working, your mother hasn’t been able to give any dresses to anyone. I haven’t been able to make gifts for anybody, either, and your sister’s been working so hard she can’t do favours for everyone anymore… Maybe some acts will not put food on our table, but they will bring us the blessing of being remembered in people’s hearts. That task is yours now. You’re the one who has to bring us our blessings every night, alright?”
Delilah never forgot her father’s words, and each day, she busied herself filling the town with flowers. Baskets, windows, vases, and pots were filled with flowers from her meadow, and soon, the smiles returned to the people who had grown accustomed to gifts from the Morrow household.
Scene 7: Faceoff
Meanwhile, Delia knew she had a score to settle. In the dead of night, Delia abandoned her husband’s bed and made her way to Midgar—the site of Jack ShinRa’s new headquarters. The journey had not taken her long, as she had travelled with the blessings of the goddess at her feet. By morning, she had marched into his office, leaving the secretary outside trembling as her voice echoed around the entire presidential floor.
She challenged him, threatened to murder him there and then if he dared to touch her family ever again. Her eyes fell on his wife, who had struggled to compose herself after he had been berating her for some reason or another. The poor woman had tolerated far more than she should have, but Delia had other matters to attend to now.
A SOLDIER stepped into the room, pointing his gun at her. But she didn’t flinch. Her gaze remained fixed in determined contempt on Jack. Waving the SOLDIER away, Jack knew better than to kill her here and now. As he reached forward to grab her arm, Delia’s knee collided with his groin, before her foot followed into his gut.
“I’m not one of your little toys, ShinRa. Remember that.”
Her final words to him echoed her first, and with that, she turned on her heel and left him to take out his anger on his trembling wife.
Scene 8: Auntie Ida
The Morrow household had begun to settle into their new routine when a loud commotion outside had drawn their attention. Stepping outside, Delia and Nicholas found a frail woman standing in tattered clothes between the townspeople, as they determined what they would do with her. Delia instantly recognised her as the woman who had been in Jack’s office; a ghost of the beautiful woman who had traveled from Corel to Nibelheim to marry a demon.
Delia and Nicholas insisted on taking her into their home. They introduced her to the girls as Auntie Ida, who would be spending some time with them. Delilah had offered the woman her bed, laying out a blanket and pillow on the ground and sleeping there for the duration of her stay, until Ida insisted on sharing the bed with the young girl.
Each night, Ida would whisper a bedtime story to young Delilah, and each night, her stories were about one boy: her son. Delilah heard tales of how kind he had been; how his heart was gentle, and how he was quiet but soft. She heard stories of how they climbed mountains together, and how she wished to see him smile. Until one night, when Ida had shown Delilah a photo of the young boy. The picture itself was far from special; the boy looked melancholy, having mustered a smile for the camera without much happiness behind it. But Delilah instantly fell in love with the boy. He was the Prince Charming she had always dreamed of.
One day, the townspeople were enraged to find a number of men in suits coming to take their runaway guest away from their protection. Delia and Nicholas joined the horde of angry men and women, raising frying pans, knives, rolling pins, and hammers to fend off the armed men. Despite the Turks’ departure, Ida knew one thing: Jack had found her.
On her last evening with the Morrows, Ida sat down with Delilah and asked her to make her a promise.
“Promise me, sweet Delilah, that one day, you’ll take my son to see your flowers.”
“Okay! I promise!” To Delilah, the matter was simple. Auntie Ida would bring the boy here, and Delilah could take him by the hand and show him all her flowers.
“Thank you, my dear. He might be a bit shy, but I’ll go and bring him back to you. We’ll live here, all of us, together.” Ida reciprocated with her own promise, taking the girl into her arms.
As she listened from behind the wall, Delia had to cover her mouth to hold back her tears, as she realised what fate awaited Ida, her son, and most of all, her own daughter.
Ida’s departure was the beginning of the curse that would befall Delilah Morrow.
ShinRa Family
Rufus ShinRa (@ShinRasRufus): Delilah has loved Rufus for as long as she can remember. She sees him as the fairy tale prince who will always sweep her off her feet. Their love was fated by the goddess, to save them and save the planet along with them. Ever since they met as young teenagers in ShinRa, Delilah and Rufus have maintained a quiet romance, which flourished into a love affair in Junon. After her departure to fight in the Genesis War, Delilah stayed alive to keep her promise to return to Rufus, and finally returned to him at the masquerade ball, where she lay claim to her king forever. Rufus is the only person Delilah has ever told about her being a Cetra, knowing that she can only trust him with the truth.
No matter what Rufus says or does, Delilah can never stop loving him, nor will she ever let anyone get in the way of their love. She has taken a vow of honour upon herself to not live a single day after him, and to protect him for as long as she lives.
Priscilla ShinRa (@ShinrasPrincess): Priscilla is very much like a younger sister to Delilah. She loves and cares about her, and often worries about her. However, she often finds herself stricken with self-doubt on whether or not she can be the friend Priscilla deserves, which can sometimes make her come across as cold or distant. She is keen on protecting Priscilla's right to her inheritance, knowing that if she had been unlucky, she may have had a daughter in the same boat.
Jack ShinRa: Rufus's father had always been a thorn in Delilah's side. Upon his discovery that she was the daughter of the only woman to ever make a fool of him, he resolved to get his revenge from her. Delilah was a victim of his ongoing physical abuse, leading up to rape, for many years of her life. His final order was to send her to Deepground to become his puppet, whereby she would be forced to comply with his sexual fantasies, and be used as a tool to emotionally torture Rufus.
Ida ShinRa: Rufus's mother, known to her affectionately as Auntie Ida, came to stay with Delilah and her family in Gongaga for a number of weeks. When Ida told Delilah about her son, and showed her his picture, Delilah made Ida a promise to one day show her flowers to the boy. It was Ida who planted the seed of loving Rufus in Delilah's heart.
Lazard Deusericus: Lazard was Delilah's mentor and friend in SOLDIER. He often expressed great remorse at being ordered to send Delilah to Jack's office, knowing what would befall her there. He was always aware of the small crush that Rufus and Delilah had on each other, and sent her to protect Rufus during his 'extended business trip' in Junon to keep her safe from Jack. Delilah only recently learned that Lazard is Rufus's half-brother. She considers him to be like an older brother, and is often far more cheerful around him than other SOLDIERs normally would be. His guidance from her first days at ShinRa, up to her last, has gotten her through thick and thin.
The Directors
Reeve Tuesti (@DirectorTuesti): Reeve is like a father to Delilah, in many ways. His kindness, and indeed his appearance, invoke memories of Nicholas Morrow that Delilah had once thought she had lost. When she is afraid, it is often Reeve she turns to, knowing that his gentle heart will always be there for her. What once began as an embarrassing habit of calling him Papa, soon led to her referring to him almost exclusively as her dear Papa Reeve.
Scarlet Rose (@ScarIetRouge): Delilah has often looked up to Scarlet, once having a crush on her from a distance. She is often intimidated by the woman, but is nevertheless prepared to stand up to her when she must. While Delilah has never been made aware of the matter, it was Scarlet who instigated the procedure for removing Delilah from Jack ShinRa's grasp.
Heidegger: Delilah has bitter memories of working under Heidegger, mostly because of her ongoing rebellion. In knowing that Heidegger was Jack's right hand man, she made it her mission to make his life as miserable as possible. This manifested in producing mysterious roach infestations in his office, and sometimes in going rogue on missions without his permission. Nevertheless, she respects Heidegger's grip on power, and acknowledges that he can often be more bark than bite.
The Turks
Tseng: Delilah finds comfort in Tseng's presence, although irritating him can sometimes be just as enjoyable. He is a reliable man, above all else, and she knows that she can go to him when there is danger, or when she just needs a piece of wisdom from someone far more calm than she could ever be.
Reno (@faIIenikaros): Delilah admires and respects Reno. She is grateful to him for everything he has done for Rufus, and for his role in protecting Rufus when she couldn't. In learning that Reno was forced to endure sexual harassment in ways similar to her own, she has developed a silent understanding for the man, and how he copes with his pain. Still, she often finds that her favourite moments with him are spent wondering if their partners will ever comprehend basic emotion.
Reno (@ACrimsonTurk): When Delilah first became involved with Rufus, she found herself spending more time with the second in command. She was perhaps more than a little stunned to find him confessing his love for her in a moment of doubt she had over her relationship with Rufus. His perhaps foolish decision to kiss her led to a scandal, and while she considers him a friend, she is hesitant to trust him with anything more than his duties.
Rude (@RudeNeedsRandR): Rude is Delilah's dear friend and confidant. In his silence, Delilah finds the peace to speak her mind, and to bounce her tumultous thoughts off of him. She feels safe in his company, knowing that while he may be quiet, he can take on an army at her side.
Elena (@TacticalxKiller): Delilah considers Elena to be her first real woman friend. She enjoys their girls' nights together. Delilah is nevertheless plagued with the uncertainty that she can ever be as good a friend to Elena as she is to her, leading her to sometimes go above and beyond in her displays of affection.
Anvivia (Viv) (@turkanvivia): Viv is a funny woman, and one Delilah has formed a habit of dancing with at any given opportunity. While Viv seems to think that she has two left feet, Delilah is intent on convincing her that she can, in fact, dance quite well. She sometimes wonders how Viv can get any work done when she seems to always be around HQ—a pleasant presence, nevertheless.
Biggs (@ShrewdAvalanche): Delilah has a strange relationship with Biggs. During Jack ShinRa's reign, she functioned as a brief ally to Avalanche, through Biggs, by providing him with information and covering for him during operations. Her assistance to Avalanche came to a halt following her induction into Deepground, and Rufus's ascension to the presidency. Nevertheless, she remained friends with Biggs. She regards him as a brother, despite his unwillingness to accept the fact that ShinRa truly has changed.
Tifa: During her time living in the slums of Midgar, Delilah frequented Seventh Heaven, where she would often find Tifa working. Despite her young age, Delilah often fought drunk clients who sought to harass Tifa, or sometimes herself, functioning as a sort of indoor bouncer for the bar.
Marlene: Delilah met Marlene during one of her visits to Seventh Heaven, and has doted on her since. Marlene's presence allows Delilah to remember her own childhood, and she sees in Marlene all the friends she could have made as a child if not for the blast. She often likes to check on the girl, and will happily fight anyone who upsets her.
Betty: Betty is the closest thing Delilah ever had to a little sister. When she lived in the slums, she saw the day Betty was born, and promised to protect her in whatever way she could.
Aerith: Despite knowing that Aerith is a Cetra, too, through her discussions with Hojo, Delilah nevertheless never told Aerith of her true identity. She still shares her dream of filling the world with flowers, and will help her tend her flowers when she can.
Yuffie: Delilah struggles with her feelings of regret towards Wutai during her time as a SOLDIER. It is this that fuels her friendship with Yuffie, as Delilah hopes to find retribution in strengthening peaceful relations between Midgar and Wutai.
The Scientists
Leon Hojo (@MedicusHojo): Following the Genesis War, Delilah found solace in Hojo's lab after she had quit her role as SOLDIER to become Hojo's assistant. It was only upon her discovery that Hojo was responsible for Project S, and the experiments carried out on Cloud and Zack, that she erupted in a fit of rage. She remains convinced that he had only ever been using her as a potential human incubator for the next Project S.
Hojo is one of only two people who are aware of Delilah being a Cetra. His research into the matter, and his observations of Delilah, led to him reaching that conclusion, although Delilah herself doesn't know that he knows. She remains eternally indebted to him for saving her from Deepground before Jack, and the Restrictor, could have their way with her, and has promised him her eternal friendship.
Aithne Mithras (@outofmypaygrade): Delilah is familiar with Aithne, and worked closely with her during her time as Hojo's assistant. Delilah sometimes has doubts about the extent to which Ai was complicit in her preparation to be Hojo's human incubator and experiment, but has chosen to believe that Ai would not have handed her over willingly to Hojo. Nevertheless, her doubts remain as a thin barrier between the two women.
Kunsel: Kunsel is Delilah's closest friend. They often trained together through her years at ShinRa, and it was in him that she often confided her overwhelming crush on Rufus. He has always been a dear friend, and she is grateful to him for being her shoulder to cry on, even when everybody else shied away from her.
Zack (@LamentedLegacy): Zack is, first and foremost, a brother figure to Delilah. While she had considered the possibility of dating him during her teenage years, her ongoing trauma and her love for Rufus stood between them. Their shared hometown, and their memories of playing together as children, still keep them close to each other. While they bicker often, Delilah knows she can trust Zack with her life, and with her pain.
Cloud: Delilah doesn't know Cloud very well, but was familiar with him through Zack's stories about him. Zack spoke highly of Cloud, but she was disappointed to find his memories of their shared friend stunted when they finally met in person. She is reluctant to accept Cloud as Zack's legacy when he hardly remembers him, or understands the importance of his sword, but nevertheless respects him highly as a SOLDIER, and as a friend to her friends.
Genesis (@sombermorrow): Despite her young age, Delilah found in Genesis one of her simplest friendships. Introducing herself with a simple request for them to be friends, she enjoys his company and admires his honesty. Their shared love of literature, and their similar backgrounds from the countryside, act as a strong common ground. Following the war and his disappearance, Delilah continued to visit Banora, tending the apple orchards in the hope that she would someday find him there waiting for her.
Sephiroth: Delilah often feels a strange jolt through her body, her Cetra cells reacting negatively to his Jenova cells. Nevertheless, despite the electrifying pain, Delilah persists in her friendship towards Sephiroth. If she be fated to shun the man for something outside of his control, then she would shun the goddess for her cruelty. Her admiration for Sephiroth as a SOLDIER, and her sympathy towards him following her discovery of who and what he was in Hojo's lab, give her a secret fondness of him that she rarely expresses.
Angeal: Meeting him around the same time as Zack did, Delilah saw in Angeal the role model she had always been looking for. His motto of pursuing "dreams and honour" stuck with her, and it was in those words that Delilah found the drive to persist through her pain. Upon her visits to Banora, she will often tend his mother's abandoned garden, and fill it with flowers for the spirits of the departed to enjoy.
Delia Morrow: Delilah's mother, and the reason why she is a Cetra. Delia knew that her daughter was a Cetra when she was still a toddler, and sought to protect Delilah from those who would hurt her for what she is by keeping the truth from her. Delia has always been hard-headed, but has found faith in her daughter's kindness for a brighter future.
Nicholas Morrow: Delilah's darling Papa. While Delilah loved her entire family dearly, her father always had a special place in her heart. She has inherited his kindness and his gentle heart, and has kept his lessons of love and forgiveness in mind all through her life.
Melissa Morrow: Delilah's older sister. She has always looked up to her, seeing her as the epitome of strength and determination. She carries the burden of having brought about her sister's death over her shoulders, even long after she has met with her in the lifestream and they have reconciled.
Mr. Pinkle: One of the oldest men in Gongaga. His small farm holds Delilah's magic strawberry bush, which she planted with her family. Both her strawberries and the olive tree her family planted together are protected by the goddess, and Delilah is firmly convinced that as long as Mr. Pinkle cares for her plants, that their fruit will heal any pain or anguish.
Mrs. Merriweather: Delilah's next door neighbour. The elderly woman has cared for Delilah's house in her absence following Melissa's death, and now keeps it well-tended in return for Delilah's constant care to the flowers in her garden. She is the only living seamstress in Gongaga.
Mr. Frayn: The local baker. When he hears that Delilah is coming to visit, he always bakes a fresh batch of brioche bread, and strawberry tarts from Mr. Pinkle's strawberry bush.
Mr. & Mrs. Fair: Delilah maintains friendly relations with Zack's parents, and will often bring them flowers. She tries not to linger in their home for very long to avoid their questions about why their son never visits.
Uncategorised Relationships
Virgil (@publicaerelatio): Above all else, Delilah regards Virgil as a friend and confidant. She goes to him for advice, although she often finds herself inadvertently giving him advice instead. He reminds her very much of herself, in all his struggles with his self-perception, but is still very much a "city boy," by her standards. Her respect for Virgil extends far beyond the workplace, and she enjoys nothing more than to take a stroll through her garden with him.
Nick (@nmykita): When Delilah is in need of simplicity, Nick is her go-to. She often finds in him the friendship she could find both in the city and in the countryside, and while he may regard himself as very much a city-dweller, his pure heart and gentle demeanour always have a calming effect on her heart.
Noah (@ARecordKeeper): While he often dwells in the archives, Delilah has found herself visiting Noah more than a couple of times for records and information. Quirky at times, and often letting his tongue run away from him, he does often irk her, but she still finds his appreciation for books endearing. The fact that he lets her browse the bookshelves in her leisure time makes him a friend to her.
Alina (@AlleyKatDevee): Ali is a dear friend to Delilah, despite the animosity she assumes exists between her and Rufus. After their first sparring match, Delilah knew she had made a long-term friend, and is happy to provide help to Ali whenever and however she can. She nevertheless persists in her thought that Ali would make an excellent SOLDIER, especially following the shift in ShinRa's trajectory.
Lea (@shinrasvogue): Lea is truly a life-saver to Delilah. When she is uncertain about her clothes, or about the extent to which something is appropriate for an event, she knows Lea will always give her a definitive answer. Delilah also admires Lea's tenacity and hard work, seeing her as a model employee for ShinRa—pun intended.
Mika (@BellumIgnis): Delilah and Mika were room-mates during Delilah's time in Deepground. While at first they had not come across each other, the two girls quickly became friends. Nevertheless, Delilah withheld the true reason why she had been sent to Deepground from Mika. Her one regret during her escape was that she had never gotten the chance to say goodbye to her only friend in the dungeon, nor could she help her escape with her.
Sapphire (@TimidusVirgo): One of the many things Delilah appreciates about Sapphire is how openly honest she is. She sees in her the Gongaga upbringing that made her and her sister so open as well, and considers Sapphire to be a friendly acquaintance. She will often drop by the archives just to say hello, or to bring Sapphire some snacks or treats from her visits to Gongaga.
Eris (@HR_Heels): Delilah naturally comes into contact with Eris quite often, particularly during her visits to Rufus's office. She admires Eris, moreso the fact that she managed to stay on as his PA for so long. She does often feel guilty towards her, as Rufus's constant spontaneity in their relationship has often led to Eris having to reschedule meetings and events to accommodate for their spur-of-the-moment vacations. Still, her guilt often takes the form of gratitude towards the woman.
The Restrictor (@MaskedMalignity): The man who trained Delilah during her time in Deepground. He received direct orders from President ShinRa to either destroy her, or turn her into a puppet. Delilah's tenacity and determination caught the eye of the horrendous man, and she was forced to escape before he could exhaust her further with his illusions of grandeur. His dream, as he had once said, was to rule the world, and to have her as his all-powerful queen.
Jenova: During her time as Hojo's assistant, Delilah would often see Jenova sitting in her vat. One day, while working with Hojo, she curiously touched the glass, only to be met with an onslaught of Jenova's attack on the Cetra cells inside her—of which she was still unaware. She holds great disdain towards Jenova, and despite all the kindness she has in her heart, still cannot bring herself to see Jenova as anything but the calamity from the sky.